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Julie Sebastian
Julie Sebastian Softball and Fitness, LLC

Julie Sebastian Softball and Fitness, LLC, Julie Sebastian

Title / Role: Owner
Location: Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Formed in: 2018
My successes.

朱莉·塞巴斯蒂安(Julie Sebastian)六岁开始打垒球时,她对垒球的热情就被点燃了. As the starting pitcher for Elizabethtown College from 2008-2012, Julie led the team to playoffs and winning records. After graduation she worked with various tournaments, travel and high school softball programs throughout the region. 她还提供私人和团体垒球训练以及健身指导. 朱莉知道她想把她的激情传递给其他女孩和年轻女性. 于是,在父母的鼓励下,她联系了SCORE,开始创业.

朱莉在布鲁姆长大,有了在德雷克塞尔山(Drexel Hill)的投球道,她开始教授私人投球课程. As word spread, she grew a sizable clientele from Delaware County. So, when she looked for a permanent facility to rent for her business, it was natural to locate in Newtown Square.

Julie Sebastian Softball & Fitness Instruction, LLC于2018年2月在Newtown Square购物中心开业. 朱莉开办这家公司的目的是教年轻女孩垒球,把她们塑造成专业运动员,但多年来,它已经发展到如此之多. Julie considers herself a mentor, 她是生活导师,也是同事的大姐大姐. Given her initial success as a startup business, 朱莉被公认为2019年SCORE小企业成就奖得主.

According to her website, “我的使命是让年轻女孩拥有自爱的生活, confidence and success through life coaching and mentoring. While I do give private softball instructions, my lessons are much more than learning how to pitch, hit and throw. 在这些课程中,我的女儿们学会了如何解决她们在场上和场下面临的障碍. “

The path to success.

一位SCORE成员最近会见了朱莉,了解她今天的业务情况以及她如何在大流行中生存下来. The pandemic presented many challenges as Julie stated, “it was terrifying at first, 因为我所有的课程都是面对面的”,但她能够迅速转向虚拟课程,并为那些可能受到疫情经济影响的人提供特殊价格.

她开始为所有人开设健身课程,扩大了客户群体. 一群女性(她的几个客户的母亲)找到她,问她是否可以为她们提供在线健身训练,她至今仍在与她们合作. Another new opportunity was working with teams. 许多教练找她帮助他们的球队,特别是在比赛期间. These sessions continue today. 在她最初停工的几周内,她的收入就回到了大流行前的水平.

In May 2024, she will be celebrating 10 years in business. Congratulations Julie!

How SCORE helped.

朱莉参加了SCORE如何启动和运营小型企业研讨会,并使用SCORE的模板创建了她的商业计划. 她还利用了SCORE的指导计划,并与SCORE顾问Frank Millheim一起工作. Interestingly, Julie’s grandfather, John Sebastian, 他也利用SCORE的免费服务开始了自己的事业,并成为了SCORE的导师.

According to Julie, she came to SCORE for support. In her own words, "Support is exactly what Frank gave to me. Fortunately, for me, I already had my business started, 但这是我第一次把我的设施租出去,成为一家有限责任公司. That is scary. But Frank provided me with support and encouragement. That is how he helped me to grow my business.“

He provided guidance as well as according to Julie, “有人听她说话,和她交换意见……有人理解我的经历,无论如何都会在我身边,这对我很有帮助。.” In addition, she shared that Frank is always helpful and kind. She knows if she needs him in the future, he will be available, especially if she decides to expand her business.


Today, Julie and her business are doing well. 她的生意蒸蒸日上,她的服务已经排满了大量的等候名单. Her retention rate is very high, according to Julie, “80% of her clients stay and work with her through high school.“朱莉为自己的角色感到自豪,她是特拉华县地区许多女孩的大姐姐和榜样. Julie feels that, “they help me as much as I help them. They teach me patience as well as listening skills. I love what I do so it makes it enjoyable.”

Over the past few months, 朱莉一直在通过与团队合作来扩大她的业务. During these meetings, 她鼓励自然的对话,帮助女孩们敞开心扉,谈论她们在场上和场下所面临的困难. 除了团队指导,她还通过缩放会议和电子邮件指导学生和教练.

As listed on her website, she defines her role as the following “In our lessons, 我不仅会教你的女儿投球或击球的基本原理, but more importantly, 我会帮助她制定策略,让她在面对游戏中的错误时可以使用, feeling left out from friends, handling pressure from parents and coaches.” Julie is most proud of her relationships with these girls. Some of these have been with her for eight years. 她的工作室里有一面墙上挂满了客户的来信和照片,每天都在提醒她,她对这些年轻女性产生了积极的影响.

Julie has many success stories. For her, it’s the little victories that matter most. 她分享了一个从一位家长那里听到的例子,她的女儿在被三振出局后开始哭泣. In her next lesson with her, 朱莉能够进行公开的对话,包括谈论下次发生这种情况时如何最好地处理她的情绪的策略. 当她在最近的游戏中三振出局时,她了解到孩子能够实施这些策略.

In Julie’s words, “To me, 这是我工作中最有价值的部分,因为这表明他们正在创造一种积极的, 自信的心态是持续精神成功的基石,更重要的是在球场外. Throughout that situation, 这个孩子已经表明,她可以和成年人交流自己的感受,并诚实地说出自己的反应, then be open to change, then implement the change. That is growth and it happens every day with my girls. 这比听到他们三振一个女孩出局或投出一个无击球手更有意义. Anyone can do that, 但并不是每个人都能在团队犯错时保持乐观. But that is what we work on, control the things you can control..and the only thing you are in control of is.. YOU- your actions and reactions.“

Paying it forward.

Julie has few thoughts for other entrepreneurs:

  • “记住你想要达到的目标并从挫折中学习是很重要的. You will be stronger for it. Things happen for a reason.”
  • “为别人着想,你永远不知道别人的生活中发生了什么。.”
  • “如果你真的对你所做的事情充满激情,不管怎样,你都会投入工作. Keep going.”
My mentors
Headshot of Frank Charles Millheim
Frank Charles Millheim


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601 Westtown Rd Suite #281
West Chester, PA 19382
(484) 356-8624

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